Profile image Bleeding Yankee Blue

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Bencer Design Tapestry

Description: Fun nickname

Tags: baseball, baseball player, ben rice, bencer, major league baseball
Rooster Sarcasm Design Tapestry
Main Tag:  

Description: jokes.

Tags: chicken lover, cock fight, cockfight, comedy, farm
Frank Costello Design Tapestry
Main Tag:  

Description: Gangster Shirt of the NYC Boss, Frank Costello

Tags: crime, frank costello, gambino, gangster, henry hill
Pete Caldera Fan Club Design Tapestry

Description: A tribute to the guy who got me interested in writing about the Yankees! Pete Caldera

Tags: babe ruth, baseball, baseball writer, music, new york
Bleeding Yankee Blue Navy FUTURE Design Tapestry

Description: A slick design from Bleeding Yankee Blue

Tags: baseball, bleeding yankee blue, blog, blogger, byb
Main Tag:  

Description: Tribute to the silly 15 year contract Steve Cohen gave to Juan Soto

Tags: billionaire, juan, lfgm, lfgm mets baseball, mets
Dedication to the Man of Steel Tapestry

Description: Rickey Henderson Tribute

Tags: as, henderson, man of steal, man of steel, mlb
Manfred Special Tapestry
Main Tag:  

Description: When baseball sucks, the fans need to fix it their way.

Tags: baseball, baseball design, baseball lover, baseball player, baseball team
Tribute to Donnie Baseball Design Tapestry

Description: We all love Don Mattingly!

Tags: 80s, baseball, baseball player, don mattingly, donnie baseball
Pepitone Tribute Design Tapestry

Description: A tribute to the Yankee First baseman, Joe Pepitone

Tags: aaron judge, baseball, baseball player, bronx, bronx bombers
The 1990 NYY Tapestry

Description: A tribute to the 1990 Yankees

Tags: 1990 yankees, aaron judge, baseball, bronx, bronx bombers
Right in Front of Us Design Tapestry

Description: Boone's stupidest quote.

Tags: aaron boone, babe ruth, bad manager, boone, bozo boone
Birmingham Black Barons Tribute Design Tapestry

Description: A tribute to the Birmingham Black Barons!

Tags: babe ruth, baseball, bbb, birmingham, birmingham black barons
Yankees are my Life! Design Tapestry

Description: If you're a die-hard Yankee fan, you understand.

Tags: aaron judge, baseball, baseball player, bronx bombers, fandom
Kelly Leak #3 Design Tapestry

Description: Number 3, Kelly Leak.

Tags: 3, baseball, baseball movie, bear, bears
Rags 19 Design Tapestry

Description: Righetti was one of the great retro Yanks

Tags: 19, 1980s, aaron judge, baseball, baseball player
#FreeTrevor Design Tapestry

Description: If you know, you know. It's time for him to pitch in the MLB Again

Tags: baseball, bauer, best in the game, bronx, japan
Cool Papa Bell Design Tapestry
Main Tag:  

Description: Tribute to the great Cool Papa Bell

Tags: african american history, baseball, black history, black history month, black lives matter
Andy Stankiewicz Tribute Tapestry

Description: Andy Stankiewicz had a brief career with the Yankees, but it was a great one. Big Fan!

Tags: andy stankiewicz, baseball, bronx, jeter, new york
Oscar Gamble Tribute Tapestry

Description: Oscar Gamble was an OG in the Major Leagues. We love him.

Tags: 70s, 80s, afro, baseball, baseball photo vintage
Bleeding Yankee Blue 2023 Design Tapestry
Main Tag:  

Description: Latest Design for the BYB brand.

Tags: 2010, aaron judge, baseball, bleeding yankee blue, bronx
Yanks! BYB Design Tapestry

Description: 27 World Titles. They are the New York Yankees!

Tags: baseball, baseball player, bleeding yankee blue, byb, jeter
Mike Pagliarulo Tribute Design Tapestry

Description: One of the best. Mike Pagliarulo!

Tags: 1980s, aaron judge, baseball, baseball player, bronx
Graig Nettles Tribute Design Tapestry

Description: No one better than Nettles at third base for the Yankees!

Tags: 1970, 3rd base, aaron judge, amazing defender, baseball
27 World Titles Yankees Design Tapestry

Description: Celebrate what the Yankees have accomplished. It's simple. You wear 27 rings and all Yankee fans know what that means!

Tags: 27 rings, 27 world titles, baseball team, bronx, champs
Mediocrity Design Tapestry

Description: If you know, you know. Do Better Boone.

Tags: aaron boone, baseball, boone, funny, humor
Boone Clown Show Design Tapestry
Main Tag:  

Description: If you want Aaron Boone out as Yankee Manager, you want this shirt.

Tags: boone, bozo, bozo boone, clown, clown show
Fire Cashman Design Tapestry
Main Tag:  

Description: Are you a Yankee fan tired of Brian Cashman? You need this in your life.

Tags: brian cashman, bronx bombers, fire cashman, gm, mlb
#FireBoone Design Tapestry
Main Tag:  

Description: The Yankees 2022 post season was managed horribly by Aaron Boone. BYB is calling for him to be fired!

Tags: 2022 season, baseball, baseball player, boone, fire boone
Is this Heaven? No. It's Yankee Stadium Design Tapestry
Main Tag:  

Description: Playing off the Field of Dreams quote. Yankee Stadium IS Heaven during the playoffs!

Tags: baseball, baseball movie, baseball quote, field of dreams, field of dreams quote
Main Tag:  

Description: We celebrate 3 Yankee right fielders, all who have held the single season home run record for New York, Babe Ruth, Roger Maris, Aaron Judge

Tags: 3, 9, 99, aaron judge, babe ruth
M&M Boys Design Tapestry
Main Tag:  

Description: The famous company of Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris formed the M&M Boys company when they played together. Now wear it across your chest to honor the boys.

Tags: american, babe, baseball, bombers, manhattan
Ty Hensley Fan Club Retro Worn Design Tapestry

Description: We're big Ty Hensley guys here at Bleeding Yankee Blue. Let's tip our hat to him with a Fan Club shirt!

Tags: baseball, fan club, new york, new york yankees, nyy
BYB Arch Design Tapestry
Main Tag:  

Description: Bringing back the Bleeding Yankee Blue Arch design we put on women's tanks a few years ago! Back by popular demand.

Tags: baseball, baseball player, bleeding yankee blue, byb, jeter
Bleeding Yankee Blue Classic Font Design Tapestry
Main Tag:  

Description: This look is the classic font of the Bleeding Yankee Blue website. This was the original look when we did our Hoodies years ago. Now we're bringing them back!

Tags: baseball, bleeding yankee blue, byb, jeter, new york
Mike O'Hara Fan Club St. Patrick's Day special Tapestry

Description: Mike O'Hara is a close friend and writer for Bleeding Yankee Blue. We found it fitting to tip our cap to the guy and offer our own BYB / St. Patrick's Day special design!

Tags: baseball, bleeding yankee blue, ireland, irish, jeter

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